The Chapel
At Churchill College, people of all religions, and of none can feel at home, and will find others of similar persuasions. The Chapel at Churchill College is funded and managed separately from the rest of the College.
The Chapel at Churchill College is ecumenical and provides a locus for Christian worship for everyone in the College community and beyond.
The Chapel is usually open for private prayer, meditation and quiet. People also use it for music practice, especially on the piano. There is a corner with easy chairs with a bookcase with key texts from world religions, classical philosophy, and more contemporary secular authors. The chapel can be opened with your room key, or if you live out (or if you are in one of the recently renovated staircases), a key can be borrowed from the Porters
Groups wishing to use the Chapel should approach Dr Martyn Johnson, Chairman of the Trustees. Baptisms, weddings, funerals and memorial services may be arranged by speaking to the Chaplain.
Chaplain & Trustees
The Chaplain is the Revd. Canon Nigel Cooper. He is available via email to hear from Fellows, students and staff of the College on any matter with which he may be able to help. He is in College on Thursdays and Sunday evenings in Full Term.
The Trustees run the Chapel, and meet at least three times a year.
Choir and Performances
The Inter Alios Choir choir alternate their Sundays between the Chapel at Churchill and Murray Edwards College. ‘Inter Alios’ literally translates as ‘among others’ and speaks to our collective spirit; we are proudly inter-faith, inter-collegiate, and international.
The Chapel is also used for music practice, concerts and occasionally for dramatic productions at the discretion of the Trustees who are Fellows of the College.
Organ & Piano
Members of the College are able to use the Chapel organ and grand piano.
Travel Bursaries & Organ Scholarships
The Chapel Trustees have a small fund to provide for the award of a number of bursaries for undergraduates and postgraduate students of Churchill College. The bursaries are to assist with the cost of some specific travel, ideally having a religious connection.
Awards will be made in the region of £200 and the Trustees will request a short account from travel bursary holders at a Chapel service during Michaelmas Term.
In recent years awards have supported educational charities in Uganda and Kenya, a choral tour of the Holy Land, and a medical elective in Zambia. These Chapel bursaries are independent of College travel grants and it is perfectly acceptable to apply for both.
To apply, write a single document of no more than 2 A4 pages giving details of the itinerary, purpose and approximate cost of the travel, and send to the Chairman of the Trustees.
The Chapel also award Organ Scholarships each year, thanks to the generous response of College members, alumni and friends to the Chapel’s 40th Anniversary Appeal. The Chapel Trust is able to offer endowed Organ Scholarships through the University’s centralised scheme. The Scholarships are named after two of the earliest supporters of the Chapel and its musical life: Elizabeth Cockcroft, late wife of the College’s first Master, and Professor Anthony Kelly, Founding Fellow and distinguished Materials Scientist. The University’s Organ Scholarship pages contain information on applying.