Nick Mascie-Taylor is Professor of Biology and Health and was in the Department of Biological Anthropology until he reached the retirement age. He subsequently has been re-employed by the University of Cambridge as Director of Research in Global Health in the Cambridge Institute of Public Health where he has helped set up a Bangladesh cohort study on non-communicable diseases (the CAPABLE project funded by UKRI) and has run training courses on epidemiology and biostatistics for over 80 Bangladeshi public health researchers. Until March 2020 about 75,000 adults had been recruited into the study but because of covid-19 the project has been re-positioned and now conducts fortnightly phone calls to a random sample of 17,000 cohort members asking about signs and symptoms and determining suspected, probable and confirmed covid-19 cases. Prior to the current study he conducted a 10-year project on the relationship between poverty, health and nutrition in Bangladesh (funded by UKAid) which led to over 1 million people being moved out of extreme poverty. His most recent visit to Bangladesh was in February 2020 to run a training course and was the 110th time he has been to Bangladesh – his first visit being in 1988.
Professor Nick Mascie-Taylor

Biological and Medical Sciences