College libraries
Our library is a comfortable study space with wide ranging collections.
The library consists of:
The Roskill Library – a library of political, military and scientific history, located in the Churchill Archives Centre
The Bracken Library (floorplan) – science and social science collections, entrance on the ground floor of Wolfson Hall building with a spiral staircase leading to the Bracken Gallery.
The Bevin Library (floorplan) – arts and humanities collections, entrance on the first floor of Wolfson Hall building.

The library collections extend beyond books, journals and online publications and all members of the College are welcome to use them.
Visiting the libraries
If you need any help please contact the College Librarian, Annie Gleeson:
Phone: 01223 336138
The Bracken and Bevin Library reading rooms are open 24 hours a day, all year round to members of Churchill College. All visitors, including alumni, should contact the Librarian prior to their visit.
The Library office is open Monday-Friday, 9.00-12.30, 13.00-17.00 (occasionally reduced office hours during university vacations).
The Roskill Library in the Churchill Archives Centre is available to readers by appointment: please contact the Archives Centre or the Librarian.
Finding resources

Using iDiscover
iDiscover is an online tool to search the libraries print and online resources. It can search all University of Cambridge libraries, to find books, ebooks, videos, and more. You can log to manage your loans, requests, fines and saved search results.
Finding print books
Each book is given a classification number (or a “classmark”) according to its subject. This is a way to group books on similar topics together, and serves as a finding aid when you look up a book on the library catalogue (iDiscover). Churchill College uses the Dewey classification system. The classification guide and floorplans below show where specific subjects can be found in the Library. These are also displayed at the entrance of each reading room.
Finding print journals
Current issues of general interest journals (e.g. Scientific American, Private Eye and Wired) are kept on display shelves on the ground floor of the Bracken Library, or in the Bevin Library. More specialist journals are given a classmark and are shelved in classmark sequence.
You can search for print journals on iDiscover using the filters or Advanced Search options to narrow down your search to journals. Journals are for reference use within the library reading rooms.
Finding online journals and databases
Over 130,000 ejournal titles and 400 databases are available off-campus. Simply search ‘Articles and online resources’ in the iDiscover catalogue, or download the LibKey Nomad browser extension which will direct you to full text articles when these are available from Cambridge University Libraries.
More information and support for online resources can be found on the E-resources home page or email [email protected]
Finding ebooks
The University has access to over 1.2 million ebooks off-campus and most are available through links in the iDiscover catalogue.
If you need a book and it is not already available electronically to you, please recommend an ebook for acquisition. If an ebook is available to purchase from the publisher, access can often be arranged very quickly.
More information and support for online resources can be found in the Cambridge ebooks LibGuide or email [email protected]
Additional resources

The Library offers a range of resources, additional to printed material such as books and journals:
Ergonomic aids
There is an adjustable workstation in the Lloyds Computer Room, which can be raised to a standing height.
Book stands, laptop stands and reading lecterns are available at the entrance to each reading room, also blankets and stress balls (to alleviate study stress and hand strain from extended typing). We also have a small number of LED desk lamps with adjustable colour-spectrum and light intensity. Ergonomic aids can be used anywhere within the library reading rooms. Please do not remove them from the library.
Comb binder and laminator
There is a comb binder for binding reports and dissertations in the Library office. Binding, including combs and plastic fronts and backs, is free of charge.
We also have a laminator which College members are welcome to use.
DVD collection and portable DVD drives
The Library holds a number of DVDs both for study purposes and purely for leisure viewing. They are kept in the Bevin Library. You can browse and search our DVD collection on iDiscover. Alternatively, you can limit to DVDs in the main iDiscover search using the ‘Audiovisual’ filter (either in the Advanced Search box before searching, or in the ‘refine my results’ panel after searching).
We also have portable plug-and-play DVD drives available to borrow from the Library Office.
USB charging cables
USB-C, Micro-USB, and Lightning cables can be borrowed from the Library Office.
Examination papers
Bound volumes of past examination papers can be found in the reference section, to your right as soon as you enter the Bracken Library.
Skeletons and molecular model kits
The Library has a collection of half-skeletons and skulls for use by 1st and 2nd year medics. These are available on long-term loan from the Library office.
There are also a number of molecular model kits available to borrow from the Library Office.
Wellbeing Seed Library
The Wellbeing Seed Library provides free seeds for students and families to use in the College garden, or to grow in your room. The Seed Library can be found in the entrance foyer of the Bracken reading room (you do not need a University Card to access this area.)
In the 70 Storey’s Way Garden there is a student greenhouse and raised beds that can be used by students and families. Compost, pots, a watering can and plant labels are kept in the greenhouse for student use, and the College gardeners will be on hand for advice.
We would be glad to accept donations of seeds harvested from grown crops. If you would like more information on harvesting or growing seeds, please contact Katherine Banarse Davies in the Grounds & Gardens team.
Stress balls, colouring and puzzles
In the Bevin Library there is a selection of colouring books, brain teasers, and stress balls, to alleviate study stress and hand strain from extended typing.
Water cooler
Cold drinking water is available from a dispenser outside the Bracken Library, on the ground floor. Drinks are welcome in the library reading rooms, but they must be in a container with a lid (no open-topped glasses or mugs please).
IT facilities
There are 10 computers in the Lloyds Room, which is on the first floor opposite the Library Office. Another computer is available inside the Bracken Library on the ground-floor level.
Also in the Bracken Library is a free-standing monitor, which you can use with your own device as a second screen.
There are two printers available in our building:
- the Lloyds Room printer (black and white, A4)
- the Library Landing photocopier (colour/black and white, A3/A4)
You can also use the Library Landing photocopier to scan and make copies.
Charges for printing and copying are listed on signs above the printers. Copying charges will be debited directly from your College account. Scanning to email or a USB stick is free.
Please read the Licensed Copying User Guidelines on the noticeboard above the photocopier before you make any copies.
Borrowing resources

The Library operates a self-service borrowing system using your University card. Loan stations are situated in the foyers of the Bracken Library and the Bevin Library.
Every book or DVD taken out of the Library must be registered as a loan. You remain responsible for any library item on your account, even if you lend it to another student. Journals, and books marked ‘Reference’ (green tape on the spines) may not leave the Library.
Members of the College can request or recommend books for the Library to stock.
Disability support & access

We are keen to ensure that the College Library meets your individual needs. Please come and talk to us if we can help at any time. We arrange tours of the library for all new students in October, however, we are always happy to meet you one-to-one to discuss any access needs and offer a personalised introduction to the library.
Disabled access
There is step-free access to the Bracken Library reading room. The Wolfson Hall toilets are also located on the ground floor. The nearest wheelchair accessible toilet is on the main concourse.
We regret that there is no wheelchair disabled access to the Bracken Library Gallery or the Bevin Library. If you need help accessing a resource in one of these areas, please contact the Library team.
The bookshelves in the library are tall, and the higher shelves are reached with the aid of kick-stools. If you have any difficulty accessing the shelves, please let us know as we can fetch books for you.
Cambridge Libraries Accessibility Service
The Libraries Accessibility Service is based at the University Library and works across the Cambridge library network to ensure that library users have equal access to services and resources regardless of their accessibility needs.
Library rules

We want to keep the library a pleasant, comfortable, space for all College members. To this end:
- Food may not be taken into the reading rooms. Drinks are welcome in the library so long as they are in sealable containers, kept sealed when not in use and taken away with you when you leave the Library.
- Place rubbish in the bins provided.
- Please be considerate of other library users, and take your belongings with you when leaving the library for more than a short break. For most of the year, white “please leave” slips are available on desks, and books and files can be left in a tidy pile with a completed “please leave slip” at the side of the desk (so someone else could use the space) for up to three days.
- During Easter Term (the busiest term) white “please leave” slips will not be available, and all belongings must be removed when leaving for more than a short break. The Librarian will email all students at the start of Easter Term with a reminder of this policy.
- Smoking, e-cigarettes and vaping are not permitted anywhere in the Library.
- Mobile phones should be turned off or switched to silent before being taken into either of the Reading Rooms.
- Laptops can be used but if you connect your laptop to the mains supply, a valid safety test sticker must be clearly visible on your computer. Please contact the College Maintenance Department to have your computer tested if this has not already been done: this must be repeated annually. If your laptop is connected to the mains supply, make sure that the cable is not a trip hazard.
Special collections

Special collections at the Library include:
Academic skills collection
There are 200+ books in our Academic Skills collection, covering topics such as essay writing, referencing, presentations, and interviews. These can all be borrowed from the Library
Wellbeing collection
This collection has been curated by the library team with assistance from the College Nurse and College Counsellor. The Wellbeing Collection has 150+ books on topics including adjusting to university life, gender and sexuality, body image, depression, and self esteem. These books can all be borrowed from the library.
History of the College
This ever-growing collection contains titles relating to the history of Churchill College and its members.
Rare books
These books are shelved in the Archives Strong Room; please contact the Librarian if you wish to consult them.
Roskill library
The Roskill Library housed in the Churchill Archives Centre contains collections on political and scientific history and biography of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, amassed partly to assist researchers at the Archives Centre. Books may be borrowed from the Roskill Library at the discretion of the Archivist.
Napoleon collection
The Library holds a special collection of books on Napoleon collected by Sir Winston Churchill. These books are shelved in the Archives Strong Room; please contact the Librarian if you wish to consult them.
C.P. Snow collection
The Library has a collection of the fiction and non-fiction works of C.P. Snow, one of our founder Fellows. Many of the books have been inscribed by the author. These books are kept in a locked bookcase in the Maisonneuve Room in the Bevin Library; please contact the Librarian if you wish to consult them.
Powys collection
The Library has a collection of around 80 books by and about the Powys brothers, particularly John Cowper Powys. The collection includes many first editions, and was presented by Mr James D. Watson of Cambridge, Massachusetts (father of Professor J.D. Watson, Nobel prize-winner and sometime Overseas Fellow of Churchill). These books are kept in a locked bookcase in the Maisonneuve Room in the Bevin Library; please contact the Librarian if you wish to consult them.
Maisonneuve collection
Books on art history and French literature, bequeathed by collector Pierre Maisonneuve.
Graphic novels
A small but growing collection of graphic novels, with award winning titles as well as books on undergraduate reading lists.
DVD collection
Films, boxsets, documentaries, operas etc. Our DVD collection is shelved in the Maisonneuve Room of the Bevin Library – DVDs can be borrowed at the self-issue machines. We also have plug-in USB DVD players available for loan, please ask in the Library Office if you would like to borrow one of these.
Collections and donations policy

The Library’s holdings are developed and maintained following established Collection Policies.
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