Transport and parking
Find out more about travelling to us, and getting around once here.
Churchill College is based on Storey’s Way, around a mile from the city centre, making us conveniently located whilst also being a peaceful space away from more tourist-focused areas.
We’re a campus-based College meaning everything is on one site, from accommodation, to libraries, to dining and other facilities.

Getting here
The nearest train stations are Cambridge, and Cambridge North. There is a bus stop at the end of our road which provides links to the train and bus stations.
The nearest airport is London Stansted. London Luton, London Heathrow, and London Gatwick airports are the next nearest airports.
There is limited parking for cars available on site, but visitors with access needs can contact the Porters Lodge to reserve a space. The College is a 25 minute walk from Madingley Road Park and Ride car park (CB3 0EU).
Students are usually only permitted a car in Cambridge if it is essential for academic study or for coping with a medical condition, and you will need to apply for a permit. Students with car permits are only permitted to park at the top end of the College site. We have ample cycle parking on site.

Getting around locally
By Bus
The University part-funds the Universal bus service, which links Churchill with West Cambridge, the railway station, the Cambridge Biomedical Campus (including Addenbrookes), and many other University sites (such as Sidgwick). The stop nearest to Churchill is on Madingley Road, just a little further down from the pedestrian crossing which leads towards the Maths Faculty.
Current members of the University can travel for a discounted fare on the presentation of their valid University Card.
Details of the route and timetable can be found at
The bus stop is a 3 minute walk from the Porters’ Lodge: head down Storeys Way towards the main road, and then turn left.
By Train
The Universal bus serves the main Cambridge train station, which is around 3 miles from Churchill College. Cambridge North train station is around 5 miles from College.
Trains run from Cambridge direct to Stansted airport. Further information about train services can be found on the National Rail website.
The bus stop is a 3 minute walk from the Porters’ Lodge: head down Storeys Way towards the main road, and then turn left.
By Bicycle
Cycling is a cheap, fast and effective way of getting around Cambridge. But it’s important that you use your bike safely. Please work through the following resources, paying particular attention if you’re new to cycling on roads.
You must register your bike with the Porters’ Lodge; University regulations require it.
If you’re a member of College planning on parking your bike at College, please make sure it is registered online. Please visit the Lodge to borrow a special pen with which to mark your bike. We advise that you mark it twice, once in a very obvious place, and again in a more hidden place. You should use the letters Chu followed by your College account number, which you can find on financial statements issued by Churchill, or alternatively ask in the Lodge and the Porters can advise of your account number.
Bikes which are not registered, do not display the tag, or which are incorrectly marked will be removed.
We have a bike repair shop on-site, Cambridge Bicycle Workshop. It’s off Churchill Road, opposite the Staff Car Park.
There are five locked bike–stores near the squash courts. Bikes are not permitted in rooms or in the confines of the College.
Please do not leave bikes against the bridge, pond, walls or trees in front of College. The Porters have instructions to report offenders to the Dean, and bikes will be removed or double locked in place. In the latter case it will be necessary to apply to the Porters’ Lodge for bikes to be released.
Camcycle has a lot of information for those who are new to cycling in Cambridge.