The Junior Combination Room (JCR), Middle Combination Room (MCR) and Senior CombinationRoom (SCR) are the names of both the Committees and the rooms in which they meet. JCR represents the interests of undergraduate students, MCR represents postgraduate students, and SCR represents Fellows at the College.

Becoming a member of a College committee is a great way to gain valuable experience and ensure that the interests and opinions of students are represented at the highest levels of College administration.

In keeping with Churchill’s progressive and democratic values, the College Council, Governing Body and many of the College’s operational committees include student representatives from the JCR and the MCR.

Representatives are usually selected from the annually elected JCR and MCR Officers. However, the College welcomes interest from any student. If you are keen to get involved, please contact your JCR or MCR President.

JCR Committee

The JCR Committee is an annually elected group of undergraduates that work to represent the interests of Churchill’s undergraduate student body both within the College and to Cambridge University Students’ Union (CUSU). This includes organising student events, advising the College on student priorities, and working with the College to shape decisions.

The JCR committee is elected each year in Lent Term and is made up of 20 officers, each with specific roles.  The JCR website lists the current Committee and provides updates on activities.

The JCR meets once a fortnight through Full Term (until the exams). Any Churchill College undergraduates can attend these Open Meetings, to vote and propose motions. All Churchill College undergraduates are added to the JCR mailing list, which is an important way to find out about events and activities in College.

You can find more details on the JCR Instagram, or get in touch with the JCR President.

JCR President
JCR Secretary
JCR Treasurer
Mens Officer
Womens Officer
International Officer
LGBTQ+ Officer
BAME Officer
Mental Health Officer
Disabilities Officer
Equal Opportunities Officer
Entertainments Officer
Social Media Officer
Access and Education Officer
Facilities Officer
Computing Officer
Freshers Representative

MCR Committee

The MCR Committee are in charge of organising and administrating much that goes on within the MCR. The Committee plans Freshers’ Week, Guest Nights, the Christmas Party, and other social events; organises academic seminars and the Conference on Everything; runs the bar, and represents the views of the MCR to College through various sub-committees.

The Committee holds regular meetings during term. Open meetings are held at least once a term.

MCR President
MCR Vice President & Treasurer
Womens Welfare Officer
Mens Welfare Officer
Families Welfare Officer
LGBTQ+ Officer
Internal Social Secretary
External Social Secretary
First Year Representative
Equality & Diversity Officer
Disabilities Officer
Green Officer
Communications & Publicity Officer
Academic Officer
Computing Officer
Bar Treasurer
Bar Secretary
Ale & Quail

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