Booking for in-person graduation on 23 May 2025. This ceremony will primarily be for students graduating from postgraduate courses or receiving their MA degree.
If you hold a Cambridge BA, you may proceed to the MA not less than six years from the end of your first term of residence, providing that you have already graduated with your BA degree. Once you have received confirmation from the Tutorial Office that you are eligible, you may register to receive your MA degree in person or in absence.
On the days of degree Congregations, the Praelector hosts a lunch for those taking degrees in person. Lunch is free for all graduands and guests are welcome. If you wish to bring any guests to the lunch the cost is £31.00 per head. The graduation lunch will be held in the Dining Hall, unless otherwise stated.
A timetable of the day will be e-mailed to you approximately one week before the congregation, when timings of the ceremony are known.
Please note: Bookings will close on 5 May 2025. To book, please use the form below.
For all enquiries please contact the graduation team:
When booking, please ensure that you use a postal address which will be valid up to a month after your graduation date as this will be the address used when sending out your transcript (if applicable).
Please note that if your degree has not yet been approved, any confirmation you receive from Churchill College will be subject to your degree being approved by your Department at least one week before the chosen ceremony date; please also note that the College is not informed of this directly, so you must take responsibility for checking that you have been approved to graduate in time.