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Dr Paul Russell 

Profile photo of Paul Russell. He is outside with College buildings in the background and is smiling at the camera
Year started




Fellow Type

Lecturers, Professors and College Officers,

Paul Russell has a PhD in Pure Mathematics from the University of Cambridge, and before coming to Churchill spent two years as a College Teaching Officer at Emmanuel College. His research to date has mostly been in Ramsey Theory, a branch of mathematics sometimes summed up by the slogan ‘complete disorder is impossible’: a typical result in the area will show that if one starts with some ‘ordered’ mathematical structure and attempts to introduce ‘disorder’ to the structure then, no matter how one does this, it is always possible to find highly concentrated pockets of order. He is currently interested in related Euclidean problems, regarding which geometric structures one can always find within a single part when a high-dimensional space is finitely partitioned.

College Positions

Director of Studies — Undergraduate Pure Mathematics

01 October 2008 – Present

Admissions Tutor – Mathematics, Engineering, Chemical Engineering & Computer Science

01 October 2008 – Present

College Lecturer

01 October 2008 – Present


Undergraduate Admissions Tutor

