Churchill College: English as a Second Language Support for Staff

A person stands near a screen displaying Fast Speech Pronunciation in a room with people seated around a table. The setting appears to be a meeting or workshop, with a clock on the wall and bottles on the table.

Churchill College is an equal opportunities employer, and committed to supporting and developing our staff. Training to help develop English language skills was identified as something a number of the team would find useful, from internal feedback and anonymous staff surveys.

As a result, weekly learning sessions have been scheduled this term. The lessons are free for staff, and delivered by Mr Rupert Brown, Part-Time English Language Teacher from the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge, who is pitching the sessions at a level to build on existing competencies and develop them further. They take place from 08.30 on Friday mornings.

Many of our staff are fluent in more than one language, but for those for whom English is not their first language, it can be useful to get extra support. Particularly for student-facing staff, for instance in housekeeping, where conversations can centre on resolving issues.

Churchill College offers these sessions as part of the benefits available to help our staff feel supported in their roles, and to ensure we continue to get the best applicants with the best skills for the role applying to and staying with us.

Staff interested in enrolling for the next cohort should speak to their Line Manager and email [email protected]