During these testing times it’s reassuring to hear about all of the hard work being done by the Churchill Community to both manage and inform about the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as other work and achievements that have taken place. Here’s what has been happening in the last few days.
Statistician Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter wrote about how those who tell us what to do during the pandemic must earn our trust and spoke about the latest Covid-19 statistics.
Economist Professor Diane Coyle’s latest piece for Project Syndicate looks at how achieving a brighter future after Covid-19 will require governments to increase investment and recalibrate national balance sheets by doing more to nurture natural and social capital.
Fellow Professor Dame Janet Thornton commented on the news that one of biology’s biggest mysteries has been ‘largely solved’ by AI.
Alumnus Dr Will Rayward-Smith delivered a TedTalk on his delivery of a solar solution to remote communities reliant on diesel generators. In his talk he breaks his journey down into four steps showing us how we must and can be the generation to make change happen.
Fellow and Social Psychologist Dr Sander van der Linden commented on the spread of misinformation.
We will continue to keep you informed of all of the work being done by the Churchill College Community. If you have any news you would like to share, please get in touch by emailing comms.manager@chu.cam.ac.uk.