For a Cambridge College, one of our greatest privileges each year is welcoming new members. We’re small communities, so each new individual – coming to us with diverse abilities, interests, and backgrounds – really matters. On October 1, Churchill College will welcome its new Master, Professor Sharon Peacock – an eminent microbiologist with a BA in History, who attended a state school and was the first in her family to gain a university degree. A few days after she arrives, Sharon will play a key role in welcoming Churchill’s new undergraduates. From budding scholars to a new Head of House, each of Churchill’s 2024 entrants speaks to the diversity which makes this place special.

Digging into that diversity, 24% of this year’s Churchill entrants are from overseas. Our home fees entrants applied from 95 different schools and colleges, and hail from all over the UK. Like last year, 22% come from areas ranked in quintiles 1 and 2 of the UK Indices of Multiple Deprivation, compared with the University’s 21% target with the regulator. 9 of our Freshers received an offer through the August Reconsideration Pool (ARP) – Cambridge’s means for widening participation UK-domiciled applicants who didn’t get a conditional offer in January to put themselves forward for reconsideration by the Colleges in August, if they’ve achieved appropriate grades. As a College, we’re delighted to support this route to entry. Our first cohort of ARP entrants graduated a few months ago with high performing Merit and Distinction degrees, illustrating the value of this important scheme.

Regarding academic standards, to say that the attainment of Churchill’s 2024 entrants is remarkable is an understatement. Amongst 119 entrants who’ve taken A Levels (the high school qualification most sat by Cambridge undergraduates), a total of 387 A*s have been achieved – an average profile of 3.3 A*s apiece, a touch up on last year. 85% of our arts, humanities, and social sciences entrants from A Level background have achieved A*A*A or better, compare 67% admitted to the University last year. 95% of our A Level STEM entrants have achieved A*A*A* or better, compare 81% of the University’s 2023 intake.

Accordingly, Churchill has much to look forward to in the coming month. We’ll acclaim the term of an outgoing Master (our thanks to Professor Dame Athene Donald) and welcome the term of a new one. We’ll celebrate the arrival of new undergraduates, representing the full breadth of the College’s academic scope and coming to us with an incredible range of abilities, interests, and backgrounds. We’ll start working with a fresh cohort of undergraduate applicants who put themselves forward for admission here. Each of these individuals really matters. To all of them, we wish the very best of luck.

Dr Jonathan Padley, Lead Admissions Tutor


Further information

Read more about Undergraduate Admissions at Churchill College including Admissions statistics.