Isabel Grant recently joined the Churchill Admissions team as the new Outreach Officer. We caught up with her to find out more!

What attracted you to the role of Outreach Officer at the College?

I was drawn to the role because of Churchill’s clear commitment to Widening Participation. I was impressed with the work they had done to create a gender-balanced college, particularly for a college that is 70% STEM, and to have such a large proportion of students who are state-educated. Having been lucky enough to study at Cambridge myself, I know what an incredible experience it is, and I want as many young people as possible to experience that too!

What drives your interest in this particular role?

I love how varied the role is. It can range from giving a presentation on applying to university, to answering queries from potential applicants, to working on an outreach strategy – all in one day!

What are you most looking forward to?

Most of all I’m looking forward to meeting the students and staff at all of the different schools the College works with. We’re lucky at Churchill to have a range of link areas: Mid- and South Wales, Sussex, Surrey, and the London boroughs of Merton, Sutton and Croydon, so I’m looking forward to visiting all these regions.

What do you like most about the College so far?

Everyone here is so friendly, and willing to help with the smallest question. I also love the grounds and all the green space at Churchill.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like swimming but if I’m not at the pool you might also find me enjoying a coffee (and probably a slice of cake!) in a café.

What initiatives or programmes are being planned over the coming months? 

We’ve got lots of events coming up. I’m particularly looking forward to strengthening our in-person links with Welsh schools.

One of the things I’m most excited to do is to get more of Churchill’s current students involved with outreach work. They can give a really authentic perspective about what it’s like to actually study here.

Outreach, access and widening participation at Churchill

At Churchill, we want to ensure that academically strong students who could thrive here have access to the best information about making competitive applications, regardless of their backgrounds. Widening participation is in our DNA, with – to quote a couple of stats – a home fees state intake that’s routinely above 75% and overall female:male parity at point of entry (an important equality measure for a college that comprises a high proportion of sciences students).

We welcome contact from students, teachers, and supporters at all secondary schools and colleges, especially those in our University-assigned link areas (Mid- and South-Wales, Sussex and Surrey, and the London boroughs of Merton, Sutton, and Croydon).

Browse our webpage to find out more about our work including information about upcoming open days and our rolling programme of free webinars and online Q&A.